

An exemplary photo of a Water Jasmine bonsai

Water Jasmine

1 Species


Wrightia religiosa


This tropical species requires consistent fertilization during its active growing period from March through October. Apply a balanced solid organic fertilizer monthly, or use a liquid fertilizer weekly at half strength during this time. The Water Jasmine particularly benefits from high nitrogen content to support its vigorous growth. During winter when growth slows, reduce fertilizing to once monthly with liquid feed. Over-fertilizing can lead to root burn, so watch for browning leaves and adjust accordingly.

A demonstration photo of fertilizing a bonsai from the Water Jasmine species


Water Jasmine demands warm temperatures above 18°C (65°F) and thrives in full sun exposure. As a tropical species, it must be kept indoors in temperate climates, positioned near a bright window with maximum light. For optimal growth, supplement natural light with grow lights as needed. High humidity is essential - use humidity trays or a humidifier to maintain moisture levels that mimic its native tropical habitat. Protection from cold drafts is crucial as this species cannot tolerate low temperatures.


Being a vigorous grower, the Water Jasmine requires regular pruning to maintain its shape and encourage dense branching. Begin major structural pruning in early spring before the growing season starts. For refined ramification, continuously trim new shoots back to one leaf pair after several pairs have developed. While young branches can be wired, extreme care must be taken due to the fast growth rate - monitor closely and remove wire before it cuts into the bark. Consider using guy wires as an alternative training method. The species responds well to defoliation in tropical climates, which can help reduce leaf size and increase branching.

A demonstration photo of pruning a bonsai from the Water Jasmine species


The Water Jasmine's powerful root growth necessitates checking annually and repotting every 2-3 years during the warmest nights of summer. Use a well-draining soil mix with a pH between 6.0-7.5, composed of 60% inorganic material, 20% organic matter, and 20% coarse sand. When repotting, substantial root pruning may be necessary, but avoid removing too much at once. Root-bound trees can quickly develop watering problems, so don't delay needed repotting. After repotting, place the tree in shade and maintain consistent moisture until established. Older specimens may require more frequent repotting due to their vigorous root growth.

A demonstration photo of repotting a bonsai from the Water Jasmine species


Water Jasmine has significant water needs but must be balanced carefully. Check the soil daily and water thoroughly when the top inch begins to dry out. Never allow the soil to completely dry out, but also avoid overwatering which can lead to root rot. Factors like pot size, soil composition, and environmental conditions will affect watering frequency. During summer months, you may need to water every 2-3 days. Use soft water when possible, avoiding tap water with high mineral content. Maintaining proper humidity through misting or humidity trays will help supplement watering needs.