

An exemplary photo of a Adenium bonsai


1 Species


Adenium obesum


During the growing season (spring through autumn), apply liquid fertilizer at half strength once per month to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering. When kept outdoors, you can alternatively use solid organic fertilizer. For winter care, only fertilize if the plant continues to produce new growth - otherwise, pause fertilization during the dormant period. This two-phase fertilizing approach helps maintain the Desert Rose's natural growth cycle while providing nutrients when the plant can best utilize them.

A demonstration photo of fertilizing a bonsai from the Adenium species


Desert Rose bonsai requires a warm environment with plenty of direct sunlight, making proper placement crucial for its survival. In temperate climates, keep the plant outside in full sun or partial shade from May through September. During autumn and winter months, move it indoors to a bright location where temperatures stay above 40°F (5°C). A south-facing window provides ideal light exposure for indoor placement. Don't worry if your Desert Rose drops its leaves in winter - this is a natural part of its cycle, and new growth will emerge in spring when conditions improve. The key is protecting it from cold while ensuring it receives adequate light year-round.

A demonstration photo of placement a bonsai from the Adenium species


Pruning can be performed year-round on the Desert Rose, but timing is essential for optimal flowering since blooms appear on new growth. Cut back long shoots and damaged parts just above a leaf node to encourage ramification and more flower buds. When pruning, always wear protective gloves as the plant's milky sap is toxic. Be especially careful with wire application, as Desert Rose scars easily from tight wiring. The branches should be allowed enough room to thicken without leaving wire marks. Proper pruning techniques not only shape the tree but also promote fuller growth and more prolific flowering.

A demonstration photo of pruning a bonsai from the Adenium species


Repotting should be performed every 2-3 years in late spring, using a well-draining soil mix specifically formulated for succulents. This timing is crucial as it coincides with the plant's active growing period. Before repotting, allow the soil to dry slightly, and wait several days after repotting before resuming regular watering to prevent root rot. Choose a wide, shallow pot with adequate drainage holes that allows the roots to spread and excess water to escape easily. When repotting, handle the plant carefully while wearing gloves to protect yourself from the toxic sap, and take care not to damage the characteristic bulbous base (caudex) that makes this species so distinctive.

A demonstration photo of repotting a bonsai from the Adenium species


The Desert Rose requires a specialized watering regimen that respects its succulent nature. Water thoroughly only when the soil has dried out, typically every 7-10 days, adjusting frequency based on climate and season. During winter months, reduce watering frequency as the plant's water needs decrease with reduced light and growth. The plant stores water in its bulbous stem (caudex), making it relatively drought-tolerant. However, watch for signs of water stress - if the trunk becomes soft or shrinks, increase watering slightly. Conversely, if leaves turn yellow and become squishy, reduce watering to prevent root rot. Always ensure the pot has proper drainage to prevent water from pooling around the roots.

A demonstration photo of watering a bonsai from the Adenium species